2♦ was the Multi.
Partner leads the ♥7. Dummy comes down with:
Declarer plays the 6. What do you do after winning with the ace?
You would likely deduce the heart is a certain singleton and return one for partner to ruff, who would then cash two top diamonds taking the contract down. I had the fact she bid diamonds at the three level stuck in my mind, thinking if declarer held the king I need to lead through it now or never, and returned a diamond without thinking, blowing the defence.
I must make a plan before playing to trick 2.
I must make a plan before playing to trick 2.
I must make a plan before playing to trick 2.
Not as bad as it could have been (only four tables, and one pair went three off in 2♥, no-one else bidding game EW), but still, if it is an evening where we have to defend 15 out of 21 boards, I really need to do better than this.