2♠ opened on my left, passed out.
Partner led the ♦5 to my jack which held. I wanted to get partner in to put another diamond through if she had the QT but couldn't find an obvious way to get partner in, so I led back a spade. Partner won with the ace and leads the ♦Q K A.
It turns out I have blown the defence. I should have led a heart back at trick two. The full deal:
I tried a third diamond, ruffed, then declarer draws trumps and sets up the clubs with a ruff. 2♠+2 and 4% for us. All but one in 2♠ was held to 8 or 9 tricks.
My spade return assisted declarer in a big way. I have to lead a heart back at trick 2 to set up at least one heart before declarer can draw trumps and get the clubs set up.
My problem is, I can see that play at imps where the club suit is potentially dangerous if declarer has certain holdings, and if he doesn't, the overtricks don't matter, but at matchpoint pairs, it is less obvious.
How do I know declarer doesn't have both rounded queens instead of the club ace, the club suit can't be used for discards, and a heart return will be leading a frozen suit?
The pairs holding it to 8 or 9 tricks led the ♥Q which takes all the guesswork away, we can set up a couple of hearts, knock the ace out killing the club suit, and partner can fire the ♦Q through when in with the trump ace. Held to eight tricks then.