In just declare MPs daylong, you play the following board
HA is led and followed with small diamond. The board does not look very interesting on the first view – since you have got 28HPC and 4 HPC are possessed by the leftie, there are just 8HPC remaining for the rightie - very few for the vulnerable intervention, but it can still almost fit into the explanation – 11-16 total points, with some shortness´s. So, the expected course of the cardplay is successful spade finesse and giving up one trick in clubs (not successful finesse) – another flat board.
However, a bit closer look during the play, when you cash the diamond and trump tricks, shows that you should pay some attention to, because you found out that east posses seven hearts, two spades and three diamonds, so that he has got one single club only. That is 7 HPC at maximum (because east can not have both CK and CJ, but with one more singleton and doubleton, he almost fits the explanation – still, would you go to second level overcall with just 7 HPC and a suit lead by pure jack, without 109?).
So, after this analysis, you finally play small club to the ace for very bad result, because the complete board is:
I must tell you that such boards are very demotivating for me to play the daylongs at all. But may be, I just misunderstood, what total point count is.