What would your opening bid be with this hand? Canape bid?
Posted 2021-February-21, 12:01
Playing canapé, would you open this hand 1D with this 6/4 distribution S/D?
Posted 2021-February-21, 13:56
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2021-February-21, 14:20
The choice of bid with this hand depends on your system.
Posted 2021-February-21, 16:53
nullve, on 2021-February-21, 13:43, said:
If playing Blue Club: No
Wouldn't you open 1♣ in both systems? Canape systems usually have limited openings.
Posted 2021-February-21, 20:46
johnu, on 2021-February-21, 19:20, said:
I played a lot of Roman Club at the Congressional Secretaries Bridge club in the late 70s or early 80s.
I also played Roman Club as a change of pace(once in a while} over the last 50 years.
Posted 2021-February-22, 02:04
Are there any 1♣ systems that open 1♣ with 15-17hcp or long ♣s
Posted 2021-February-22, 14:34
ali quarg, on 2021-February-22, 02:04, said:
Are there any 1♣ systems that open 1♣ with 15-17hcp or long ♣s
If you play coded minors (or Mexican 2♦) in an otherwise standard short-club system with a 12-14 1nt, then 1♣ is natural or 15-17 balanced.
But a system in which 1♣ includes 15-17 any shape (not necessarily balanced) sounds odd. It makes little sense to show point counts that accurately without showing shape at the same time.
There was a crazy teacher in Amstelveen who managed to get many of the pairs in his club to play
1♣=16-19 any
1♦=20+ any
I think you could improve on this by putting hands with long clubs into the 1♣ opening, but it remains a very bad system.
Posted 2021-February-23, 01:56
helene_t, on 2021-February-22, 14:34, said:
But a system in which 1♣ includes 15-17 any shape (not necessarily balanced) sounds odd. It makes little sense to show point counts that accurately without showing shape at the same time.
There was a crazy teacher in Amstelveen who managed to get many of the pairs in his club to play
1♣=16-19 any
1♦=20+ any
I think you could improve on this by putting hands with long clubs into the 1♣ opening, but it remains a very bad system.
Thanks for the reply
I've just started looking at strong 1♣ systems and am considering the varieties. I'm OK with the way my system is evolving and caters for Strong hands well, but I find that it is those 15-17 2-suited hands that can sometimes be hard to pin down especially when the longer one is a minor.
Posted 2021-February-23, 03:51
helene_t, on 2021-February-22, 14:34, said:
How about
1♣ = Moscito (15+) but not 18+ unless primary C
1♦ = NAT unBAL (11-14, 4D5C possible) but not 15-17 OR 18-20 BAL
1M = Chapi 8* (standard but not 15-17)
1N = 12-14 BAL (4414 possible)
2♣ = Precision but 11-14
2♦ = 23+ BAL or any GF w/o primary C
2M = Weak
2N = 21-22 BAL
1♣ = Moscito (15+) but not 18+ unless primary C
1♦ = NAT unBAL (11-14, 4D5C not possible) OR 18-20 BAL
1M = Chapi 8* (standard but not 15-17)
1N = 12-14 BAL (4414 possible)
2♣ = Fantunes but 11-14
2♦ = 23+ BAL or any GF w/o primary C
2M = Weak
2N = 21-22 BAL
* benlessard's Chapi 8 system: https://bridge.downa...tem=s2ftdw1w63o
Posted 2021-February-23, 14:56
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean