Is anyone aware of the minimum numbers for a BBO Swiss Teams event. I've had it suggested to me that 15 teams is the lowest number for these.
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Swiss Teams Minimum
Posted 2021-March-17, 10:38
gentgiant, on 2021-March-17, 06:08, said:
Is anyone aware of the minimum numbers for a BBO Swiss Teams event. I've had it suggested to me that 15 teams is the lowest number for these.
I am running as a VACB club
4 teams works - must be 2 or 3 rounds - Number of rounds must be less than number of teams.
2 1/2 actually works - BBO adds a pair to the half pair, then adds a team to make the number of teams even - that makes 4 teams. Not the best of competition, but it will run.
John S. Nichols - Director & Webmaster
Indianapolis Bridge Center
Indianapolis Bridge Center
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