Forcing Calls After Partner's Non-Jump Overcall
Posted 2020-December-25, 01:46
The examples are chosen such that I don't think many people play them as transfers or any other artificial treatment, but feel free to comment if you do play them that way.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2020-December-25, 04:43
And I like nonforcing shifts to 1-level overcalls (as the overcall is wide ranging).
Opposite a 2-level overcall, if opps don't interfere (or if they preempt), I prefer Switch or Rubin Advances whenever it makes sense, but assuming (for the purpose of this poll) that we play natural methods, I think I prefer forcing advances. Maybe it should ideally depend on vulnerability (or even scoring), as it's possible that it is a better style to play the 2-level overcalls wide-ranging when nonvulnerable and/or at matchpoints. Although not quite as wide-ranging as 1-level overcalls, I suppose.
Posted 2020-December-25, 04:49
Posted 2020-December-25, 07:43
Zelandakh, on 2020-December-25, 04:49, said:
That's not my impression, though I'm prepared to be shown to be wrong. I think it's quite common for two-level advances to be non-forcing but constructive.
London UK
Posted 2020-December-25, 13:31
awm, on 2020-December-25, 01:46, said:
The examples are chosen such that I don't think many people play them as transfers or any other artificial treatment, but feel free to comment if you do play them that way.
I prefer transfer advances after we overcall as described here. Transfers allow Advancer to bid again after the transfer is accepted and describe their hand.
Posted 2020-December-26, 01:10
I normally play a new suit on my first turn as constructive, and with either tolerance for a return to partner's suit, or such a good suit that it can be bid again, but not 100% forcing. To force I would cue bid (with support) or jump shift [1♣ ] -1♥ -[no] 2♠
If already passed, a new suit is usually lead directing, with support. For example, holding Qxx, xxx, AKJx, xxx
Pass - (1♣) -2♥ - (Dble)
3♦ etc
On this hand partner had AKxxxxx, so didn't need to avoid a heart lead against the eventual 3S, but the choice of switch at trick 3 was crucial and dummy had put down ♦Q10xxx, so the right switch was not easy to find
I have a letter from Boris Schapiro written back in the early 80's, in response a question about an item Mr Schapiro had written, asking whether a 2♥ advance should not be forcing. He replied that on this occasion it would work but it was not standard. (Gordon, if you would like this for the EBU library please let me know).
Oh, and please don't bother with posts about Mr Schapiro and the heart suit...
Posted 2020-December-26, 07:55
Douglas43, on 2020-December-26, 01:10, said:
I'll be sure to keep my fingers clear of that one.
Posted 2020-December-26, 09:41
gordontd, on 2020-December-25, 07:43, said:
Always played it as forcing even before I played the style of overcalls I now do where it's self evidently forcing as we respond basically as if we opened rather than overcalled.
Posted 2020-December-26, 16:47
Cyberyeti, on 2020-December-26, 09:41, said:
I'm sure you will understand I'm not being rude if I say that I don't think the way you do something is indicative of what is standard in the UK

London UK
Posted 2020-December-27, 05:56
Posted 2020-December-27, 06:05