First in hand, Match-point Pairs, with nobody Vulnerable. Here is your hand ♠AQ9654, ♥9, ♦JT73, ♣QJ. Do you open this hand 2♠, or do you choose 1♠?
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Opening Bids
Posted 2020-November-23, 12:22
relpar, on 2020-November-23, 08:47, said:
First in hand, Match-point Pairs, with nobody Vulnerable. Here is your hand ♠AQ9654, ♥9, ♦JT73, ♣QJ. Do you open this hand 2♠, or do you choose 1♠?
I would open 2S, however, I tend to play relatively sound openings and stodgy preempts when playing standard methods.
Alderaan delenda est
Posted 2020-November-23, 12:33
I think it’s a question of partnership agreement.
It also helps to have methods over one’s weak two bids. If I play a form of Ogust, then I’m happy to open 2S. One should no give a lot of weight, in terms of hand evaluation, to a doubleton QJ.
It also helps to have methods over one’s weak two bids. If I play a form of Ogust, then I’m happy to open 2S. One should no give a lot of weight, in terms of hand evaluation, to a doubleton QJ.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2020-December-21, 23:52
Two spades. This is close, but without two quick tricks I'd favor the weak two.
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