sceptic, on Jun 7 2005, 10:03 AM, said:
I would be interested to see the arguements Mauro has for his side of the story, may be I am missing something, but I thought weak 2's were supposed to be disruptive and make it harder for the opponents, ogust seems to be a good method to find out where to go from your p's weak two bid?
Ogust (although not my favourite) is OK when pard has a hand that wants to investigate slowly the potential for game.
That happens when pard has at least opening hand strength or a good hand with fit.
The problem that I address is when pard has a hand suited for a sacrifice, and will raise to 3 or 4H: in that case, tha wasted side quacks, and the horrible 6322 inclrease the likelyhood of disasters such as going for a telephone number even if opps have game or, maybe worse, goinf for a phantom sac (because if the opps were to buy the hand, the side Qx/Qxx and even Jx could be sources of defensive tricks, whereas if WE play the hand, their value is very diminished).
I think it's a matter of style but I like the definition of "ideal" weak 2 given by Anderson-Zenkel:
1- GOOD intermediates is a plus, the lack is a minus:
Here, NO interemediates, so this rates as a MINUS
2- side queens or jacks are minus: MANY wasted values here, so this is a HUGE minus
3- side singleton is a plus, side void is a minus, side 4 bagger is a minus: none of this factor apply here so no adjustment.
Actually, 6322 tends to be quite a bad shape, IMO, but anyways, let's pretend this does not apply...
4- possession of the Ace of trump is a minus, because it decreases the ODR (e.g. if we have the Ace, this scores a trick even in defense; much better in terms of ODR is JT98xx rather than AQxxxx because if we end up defending, JT9 will never take a trick).
So this is a minus on the given hand.
5- seat: best seat to open weak 2 is 3rd seat; 1st seat is ok to be aggressive (2 opps to preempt vs 1 pard); 2nd seat is the worst of all, in that case we must be disciplined
This was not specified in the given hand so I won't consider this factor
6- vulnerability: here both sides are red, so a little caution can be recommended, especially at IMPS.
Of course, in real life we often deviate from "ideal", model weak 2 bids, but here the minuses are too many, in my opinion.
Also, it depends on how aggressive responder will raise ourweak 2s: all those who use LOTT-based raises, aggressively, would better off NOT open a weak 2 here.
If responder is more conservative in his sacrifice bidding, then opening a weak 2 is ok.
"Bridge is like dance: technique's important but what really matters is not to step on partner's feet !"