Posted 2020-October-21, 11:22
Also, you dismissed my initial suggestion that we overtake the diamond at trick one and return the diamond Queen. Of course, at that time you did not reveal the layout.
After forcing dummy to ruff, how do you expect declarer to make 10 tricks? He’s in dummy. He can’t pull trump, since we eventually win the club King and cash diamonds. So he plays heart ace, ruff a heart, and hooks the club. We win and lead another diamond. Dummy has to ruff. I don’t think there’s any way home for him.
He can ruff the third heart, and then another diamond, but now he has a trump and A10xx in clubs in dummy and two trump and xxx in clubs in hand, He’s scored three hearts (ace and 2 ruffs) plus 3 diamond ruffs, so he has 6 tricks in. Partner has 4 trump and a heart.
In fact, this defence leads to down 2 Of course, declarer can take a different line and escape for down 1.
Taking the initial ruff in dummy and crossing to hand in trump, in order to preserve declarer’s trump length, then hooking the club gets a third diamond, trapping declarer in dummy. Unless declarer has KQ9x, he can’t ruff high, pull trump and run the clubs.
So, unless I’ve missed something, tapping dummy at trick 2 beats the hand anytime partner has 9xxx in spades.
Edit: this is a great hand for one of those ‘would you rather play or defend’ polls. I erred (again) in my analysis, but still think that tapping dummy works.
At trick 3, declarer can exit the club Queen, which we have to win. Another diamond allows him to ruff and play 3 rounds of trump and then run the clubs until partner ruffs in. Partner is endplayed into a heart. Declarer gets 2 ruffs in dummy, the heart Ace, 3 clubs and 4 trump in hand.
So when we win the club King, we need to switch to a heart. Now if declarer plays 3 rounds of spades, partner declines the club ruff until the 4th round of the suit, and exits a heart, forcing declarer to ruff, and sticking him in hand, the last club winner stranded in dummy.
Down 2.
If he tries, instead, a cross-ruff, he runs out of tricks.
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