Pardon me if this has appeared previously. I noticed the problem in mid-April, and just assumed it would be fixed quickly, but it has not.
The scenario:
You are playing or watching a match. You have the window and its panels adjusted the way you want. The History tab is selected on the right, so that you can toggle between “My Table” and “Other Tables” to compare results. You have the vertical sizing bar positioned to display, let’s say, 8 or 10 boards of History. If you select a different tab, such as People, when you return to the History tab, the scale is larger, causing only 5-6 boards of history to be displayed, and truncating the far right side of the panel. Clicking on the vertical sizing bar fixes the problem immediately, but this gets wearisome.
I use the Firefox browser.
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Tabbed Information Resizes
Posted 2021-July-24, 19:15
Click on the divider line between the sidebar and the playing area, and it will resize correctly.
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