I used to play, years ago, reverse transfers:
- 2♦ waiting, GF
- 2♥ immediate double negative
- 2♠ *heart* positive
- 2NT *spade* positive
Came up once or twice in 15000 hands, not sure if it ever did anything.
I agree with most that the balanced hands don't need a special; if it's balanced opposite balanced, Kokish works very well; if it's balanced opposite unbalanced, opener gets to "untransfer" into their suit, and a balanced positive should just be working out 6 or 7, and fit or not, at that point.
Definitely not "positive"-ing on any GF is critical. Positives should be unusual enough that your average *unbalanced* 2
♣ opener will care more often than not. Anything less than that should sit back and find out which hand opener has and how well they help. I still remember one game where we got to 7
♣ after 2
♣. We were the only ones at the 7 level (7NT would have actually been safer, avoiding the potential first round ruff, but we weren't sure of the 13th top), and we got asked several times how we got there. And after effectively "I showed a club positive, and she keycarded" they asked "how did you know you weren't off a trump trick?" "club positive? Had to be AQxxx at least, probably 6th or jack to not bid 2
♦? Doesn't everybody do that?" Guess not.
Having said all of that, if the chance of playing the weak hand's suit from the weak hand in 2
♣ auctions is even 100th on your list of problems, either you get much better cards than I do, or you open much less disciplined 2
♣ than I do, or your system and card play is much tighter than mine will ever get.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)