Not wishing to bid my miserable spade suit, I opened 1NT (weak) which was passed out.
I know 1NT contracts are usually unplanned and often fail to go as one wishes, but I had some hopes of limiting this to -1 at worst, despite partner's weak holding. West led Q♦ (naturally) won by my K. I decided to set up a couple of spades, hoping that at least two of the honours would fall together - as indeed they did. East cashed her top spades then returned a diamond to my A. Silently thanking E for helping to set up my long spades, I cashed them (west discarding clubs) then led J♥ hoping to set up an entry to finesse the clubs.
I knew I was in for the loss of a few diamond tricks, but was not prepared for west to instantly claim the rest of the tricks! -3 and a joint bottom.
Yes I realise now I should have played hearts before touching the spades, but could I have guessed that?
Over to you guys for advice....
IMO, 661_Pete's decision to open 1N is sensible but unfortunate. His opponents' bidding seems OK. Arguably, however, declarer was lucky to lose only 9 tricks. Had he run ♥J, he would take a trick less