No quibble with the original excellent problem. (Challenging enough to frustrate me, initially). It might be amusing, however, to keep the same solution, with fewer high cards. Here, after winning the ♥ lead and finessing ♠Q, declarer takes 2 minor suit finesses, and ruffs 3 red cards ...
... to reach this 3 card ending. Now declarer exits with a ♣ to end-play East.
Deal B13. Level 5. Same generic topic title but this is more of a comment than a quibble. West leads ♥Q against South's 6♠. Bridge Master recommends: ♥A, ♠A (West discards ♥7 revealing the bad break). ♦K, ♥ ruff, ♦A (West follows with ♦J), ♥ ruff, ♦Q (West discards ♥T), ♣K, ♣Q, ♦T. North's last ♣ end-plays East in trumps. Good stuff