From a Robot rebate 55% where this delicate effort increased our score to 54% just out of the money
GIB (North) conducts an accurate scientific auction to end up as one of 3 declarers in a fragile 6♦.
East leads a ♣. (A trump is the only lead to defeat the slam). Hit Next to peruse the play
In an unusual 3-card ending North ruffs his ♥Q with South's ♦8
to coup the East-West trump holding.
If that was worth a "Wow"
Then how about this construction?
Similar hand with
- ♠ trumps, and
- Hand rotated to make South declarer.
At double-dummy, 6♠ can succeed, on any plain-suit lead.
Declarer cashes 3 plain-suit tops, while ruffing 2 ♣s and 2 ♥s
to reach the following 6 card ending, with North on lead....
This ending is truly amazing.
With ♠ trump, and North to lead, North-South to make 5 of the last 6 tricks... ...
North leads ♦9 -- the curse of Scotland
A If East fails to cover, then declarer cashes ♦K, ruffs a ♦, and ruffs a ♥ to reach the same 3-card ending as in the OP.
B.So East covers ♦9 with ♦J and South ruffs with ♠2. Now South ruffs a ♥ with North''s ♠8, end-playing East
B1. If East discards a ♦, then North leads ♦A and another. If East ruffs high then South discards.
B2. If East wins ♠Q and leads another, then South finesses, draws trump and cashes 2 ♥s.
B3, If East wins ♠Q and exits into North's ♦tenace
-- it really is a ten-ace --
Then North wins 2 ♦s and coups East's trumps.
Thanks for posting, Nigel. I worry for mankind when bridge robots make plays like that But, in all honesty, given the lack of solidity in the trump suit, and the need to crossruff to establish tricks, it's the only way that this contract is likely to be made.
From a Robot rebate 55% where this delicate effort increased our score to 54%
GIB (North) conducts an accurate scientific auction to end up as one of 3 declarers in a fragile 6♦.
East leads a ♣. (A trump is the only lead to defeat the slam).
Hit Next to peruse the play