Posted 2020-July-20, 11:45
Hmmm, well, South surely has either the A♠ or K♠, and I don't think North is bidding 6♠ off two aces. So... The A♦ and A♥ are marked. Not shocking, most don't open 4♠ with outside aces in 1st/2nd seat.
Given the quality of our diamond suit, it seems likely that North has a strong side-suit to provide a source of tricks. It seems like hearts, but, possibly clubs. If the hearts are cashing such that declarer can take enough diamond discards, that's a threat.
So, you could lead the 6♠, some heart, K♦, or A♣, and possibly a small club if you're really crazy.
I think if partner has a heart trick, then, I'd wager that we're defeating this contract anyways. Soooo... I'm going to assume that they don't.
A 6♠ lead, K♦ lead, heart lead all allow the potential for diamond discards on cashing hearts, so, I'm seriously considering a small club here.
Yeah, it's the 2♣ or the K♦ for me. I think, in a moment of inspiration, I might lead the club. I'm used to partner telling me how dumb I am though when I do things like this. Hahahaha
Lamford "MontrealtQ, High standard team event. The opponents have a non-descript auction, and it is your lead. What would you do and what alternatives do you seriously consider. For those reading the recent articles on self-kibitizing, you ARE allowed to look at your own hand and the auction before the opening lead."
1. ♦K In real life, this is the only lead I'd consider.
2. ♣A Conceivably partner has ♣K, ♣ singleton, or a trump trick. Or we might just save an overtrick.