Passing with a KNOWN 8 card spade fit and a KNOWN 9 card club fit for a possible 7 card heart fit is so irrational, one wonders if there is a sabotage clause in the bidding that allows GIB to choose a COMPLETLEY stupid bid on random occasion when it has a HUMAN partner. I say this because I have NEVER witnessed such a travesty when 2 GIBS are partners. This is not a question of judgement but dereliction of duty.
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This one HAS to be sabotage so bad maybe a cease and desist order is needed
Posted 2020-June-01, 10:10
Passing with a KNOWN 8 card spade fit and a KNOWN 9 card club fit for a possible 7 card heart fit is so irrational, one wonders if there is a sabotage clause in the bidding that allows GIB to choose a COMPLETLEY stupid bid on random occasion when it has a HUMAN partner. I say this because I have NEVER witnessed such a travesty when 2 GIBS are partners. This is not a question of judgement but dereliction of duty.
Posted 2020-June-01, 15:24
Solid bidding by GIB to respond 1NT. As for taking preference to 4♠, how can you possibly bid at the 4 level with only 5 HCP?
Besides, South bid spades so long ago that you can't really expect anybody, let alone GIB, to remember that.

Posted 2020-June-01, 17:05
johnu, on 2020-June-01, 15:24, said:
how can you possibly bid at the 4 level with only 5 HCP?
I suspect this is the case.
Bidding 4♠ or 5♣ undoubtedly is showing some number of points, so Gib is forced to pass.
Perhaps someone with the commercial version of GIB can tell us how many pts Gib would show with 4♠.
By my reckoning bid has 6.5 pts 5 hcp 1 for the double and 0.5 for the 10.
Gib just doesn't get that simple preference just doesn't show any points. There are numerous examples of this.
It reminds me of a partner who left 1♠XX in making overtricks as they couldn't possibly take a bid with 0 hcp.
Sarcasm is a state of mind
Posted 2020-June-02, 16:54
gszes, on 2020-June-01, 10:10, said:
Passing with a KNOWN 8 card spade fit and a KNOWN 9 card club fit for a possible 7 card heart fit is so irrational, one wonders if there is a sabotage clause in the bidding that allows GIB to choose a COMPLETLEY stupid bid on random occasion when it has a HUMAN partner. I say this because I have NEVER witnessed such a travesty when 2 GIBS are partners. This is not a question of judgement but dereliction of duty.
This robot is so, so terrible it's hard to find words. It's never ending, and for management it's ignore, ignore, ignore.
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