And then 2 years ago we realized deal security can be enhanced and premium games made extremely cheat resistant with the introduction of “Deal Pool” games. Deal pool means in a given tournament, there may be 20 or so instances of board 1, 2, 3 etc, so your board 1 may not be the same as your friend’s. It’s like taking the SATs or GMATs, kinda, sorta. We refine this concept for our big event, the NABC but I don’t want to really publish all details here. 🙂 Games with deal pools are as safe as they can get, from the security point of view.
<above quote from BBO online, 2019>
It is very hard to find information about how Deal Pool works, other than it is an “anti-cheating measure.” So far, so good. I have a simple question: are there any other filters involved in the selection of hands for the deal pool that are used for purposes other than anti cheating? For instance, and specifically, is there any attempt to promote hands that generate a wider spread of results at matchpoints or IMPs, and to demote hands that generate flat boards? This might be done in the name of making daylong tournaments “fairer,” for instance, I couldn’t say. But I’d very much like to know the answer to this question.
Thanks in advance.