Apart from the annoyance and aggravation suffered by the pair (and, especially by the partner who did nothing "wrong"), this seems like a very unsound business practice. Since that pair can't be replaced by another pair, the tournament will start without the full complement of tables. BBO loses not only the $1.25 (for an ACBL speedball--more for one of the club games) for the player with insufficient funds but also the fee from the partner.
There seem to be many possible solutions to this problem:
- Do what any bank would do and simply debit the player's account (especially if the player is a long-standing member who's paid thousands of $ to BBO)
- Check for credit every time a tournament is entered (without relying on the result from 1 minute earlier)
- Send a communication, via pop-up, in-mail, or email, to the effect that the credit hasn't been checked by the system
I know I can have BBO automatically top up my account but that's only available for credit card, not PayPal which is my preferred way of doing it.