FelicityR, on 2020-April-24, 05:24, said:
Duck looks best. That fifth ♥ in dummy could well be the 9th trick. As partner didn't lead a ♦ in preference to a ♠, his/her ♦s aren't that solid. I would expect partner to be 5-1-5-2 shape from the bidding and the play so far. Though I would like to know if the opponents open 1♣ with 4-4m as opposed to 1♦ here for clarity.
The dangers are that either you've given him a second dummy entry to hook clubs, or that you haven't grabbed your
♥Q, and partner now gets endplayed in the pointies, but how are you beating this on the hands where this matters ? You're most likely depriving declarer of a hear trick, but giving him an extra club.
Partner has 7-9 points, and you're presuming he has
♠Q to go with his
I think we've possibly erred in returning the high diamond in that the 9 could be useful here (give declarer AQ8x), but we can infer that partner's diamonds probably aren't brilliant since he led a spade. Most likely partner has a club honour and we might need him to hold the J or 9 as well.
Sample layout:
Where if you don't grab the Q
♥ declarer can make the contract with the endplay
In layouts like this, if East ducks the ♥ (especially after thought), then declarer might succeed by switching to ♣s.