Since club is closed. How can I start a new closed game with 3 other friends?
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Starting a new closed group Starting a closed game
Posted 2020-March-17, 16:13
O torneio organizado Por Mamen e de nome Lo Reyno não me deixa entrar com o nick arcos elva quando não existe qualquer motivo para tal recusa, pois sempre joguei esse torneio
Posted 2020-March-17, 22:16
Log into BBO - click on "Casual" - click on "Start a table" - choose type of scoring from drop down window (IMP, MP, ..) fill on privacy options by using sliders (allow kibs, etc.) click on seats and reserve for your friends (type in name then apply) - choose a relaxed game or a competitive game. Table should set up automatically reserving seats for players. Very easy to do. Have fun!
Posted 2020-April-02, 17:13
Does this apply to rubber/contract bridge? Is it private? I started a group but during the game a player would get dumped off and a stranger came into their seat. How to make it fully private?
Posted 2020-April-03, 08:03
This doesn't apply to tables in the main bridge club.
You can open a table and check the "Permission required to sit" box to keep strangers from taking the place of your friends.
You can open a table and check the "Permission required to sit" box to keep strangers from taking the place of your friends.
Posted 2020-May-09, 17:01
When i set up a closed table and invited friends, one got logged out and when logged back in to bbo they could not join the table. Is there a way to rejoin your reserved seat or does the host have to do something?
Posted 2020-May-09, 17:15
Since you’ve checked the box to not allow uninvited players, you need to send them another invite, I believe. Once they log back in (edit: actually, you probably don’t even have to wait until they’re logged back in, I believe you can just send it to them immediately and they’ll see the new invite when they get logged back in), just click on the empty spot and resend that player’s username another invite.
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