meaning plying under the king
Posted 2020-February-24, 00:02
Posted 2020-February-24, 03:43
Posted 2020-February-24, 10:01
Posted 2020-February-24, 11:18
Posted 2020-February-24, 11:19
Posted 2020-February-25, 08:58
barmar, on 2020-February-24, 10:01, said:
such as: you have reason (good or bad) to hope that it will hold, and fear that the 2nd lead in the suit will be ruffed. So the same reasons you might lead A from Axxx when partner has promised 6+ length there.
Posted 2020-February-25, 10:27
Zelandakh, on 2020-February-24, 11:19, said:
SIR,you have given a full explanation if one has to make the opening lead. If one has to lead the suit at a later stage and if one suspects declarer(RHO) has a singleton in the suit and that perhaps may be the Queen then one leads the KING if one sees Axx in dummy.(to smother the Queen)
Posted 2020-February-25, 10:32
pescetom, on 2020-February-24, 11:18, said:
Sir, the OP must have had that ""extraordinary reason" to pose the question.(It is possible his partner had bid that suit or by inference from the bidding must be having length and strength in the suit.) Perhaps the contract was 6NT and this suit might be the only lead to defeat the contract by establishing a quick trick( hoping partner to have the Queen) with one having the Ace of opponents long suit.
Posted 2020-February-25, 16:33
msjennifer, on 2020-February-25, 10:32, said:
I am always puzzled when people assume that there must be an extraordinary reason to pose a simple question.
Sometimes people just don't know the ordinary answer, or are wise enough to realise there may be more to it than they think, or foolish enough to suspect that conventional wisdom may be wrong

An accurate choice of the Beginner/Intermediate/Expert forums helps, of course.