Playing 5cM, strong NT
X is t/o, 4♥, or 5+♥ but not enough strength to bid 2♥, 2♣ was probably a better bid
Anyway, dummy wasn't a pleasant surprise but things started well on the K♠ lead won in dummy, followed by small ♥ to J, winning, and small from hand, A on my left crashing his partner's now blank K. Sigh of relief, some furious faces from E, then another ♥ followed. I thought I was home, but with ♣ 0-5 and ♦ 5-2, and no further defensive slip, I ended up a trick short, unable to set up any suit.
We still gained 3 IMPs as the opponents in the other room also arrived to 6♥ after an even less convincing sequence, but teammates managed to separately score K and A, and W had his ♣ ruff too

All ends well, but who is guilty?
'apollo1201 "IMPs, team match. Playing 5cM, strong NT. X is t/o, 4♥, or 5+♥ but not enough strength to bid 2♥, 2♣ was probably a better bid. Anyway, dummy wasn't a pleasant surprise but things started well on the K♠ lead won in dummy, followed by small ♥ to J, winning, and small from hand, A on my left crashing his partner's now blank K. Sigh of relief, some furious faces from E, then another ♥ followed. I thought I was home, but with ♣ 0-5 and ♦ 5-2, and no further defensive slip, I ended up a trick short, unable to set up any suit. We still gained 3 IMPs as the opponents in the other room also arrived to 6♥ after an even less convincing sequence, but teammates managed to separately score K and A, and W had his ♣ ruff too
IMO Rub of the green, again. The bidding is unlucky: North's double is fine, South's 4♥ is OK, North can hardly be blamed for going on.
Presumably, West held both ♦J and ♦T