5 card majors, weak NT, 1♣ could be short.
Things started off well when South led their singleton diamond, and partner cashed two clubs throwing the singleton spade. Things deteriorated when she then ran the ♥J round to the queen, then on the diamond return, discarded allowing South to ruff low, then North got a club ruff when she ruffed low. Three off for not a good score (although not a bottom, a couple bid the slam going off).
It turned out our final score wasn't as bad as I expected, so I should have just settled for 4♥ which should make, and would have been a good score anyway.
The top score went to those pairs which found 3NT, which were the two only plus scores for EW.
AL78 2This was the last hand of the evening. I thought we had been duffed up enough to put a real downer on our score, so after picking up this freak, took a big flyer for a top, which didn't work out. 5 card majors, weak NT, 1♣ could be short. Things started off well when South led their singleton diamond, and partner cashed two clubs throwing the singleton spade. Things deteriorated when she then ran the ♥J round to the queen, then on the diamond return, discarded allowing South to ruff low, then North got a club ruff when she ruffed low. Three off for not a good score (although not a bottom, a couple bid the slam going off). It turned out our final score wasn't as bad as I expected, so I should have just settled for 4♥ which should make, and would have been a good score anyway. The top score went to those pairs which found 3NT, which were the two only plus scores for EW."
AL78's Partner might justify AL78's optimism by ruffing North's ♦ return