I can't tell you how many times I have misclicked on Pass when I meant to click on the "1" to enter a bid. My bad, I know. But BBO could help save me from myself by placing some space between the "Pass" and "1" buttons. I suggest one button-width. Can you help?
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Screen display improvement?
Posted 2020-January-16, 14:07
To solve this problem take your television and plug it into your computer as a second monitor. Or, buy a cheap ($200-$300 tops) second TV for the purpose. Here's a picture of me with the Poodles 'Poodles teach Bridge'
well, just a thought from me and the Boys 😎🐩🐩
- no more TV
- big monitor
- no misclicks
- better bridge
- much easier on the eyes
well, just a thought from me and the Boys 😎🐩🐩
Fortuna Fortis Felix
Posted 2020-January-17, 14:18
Unless you're talking about cellphones, there's already a pretty decent gap between the row of numbers and the row with "Pass" and "Dbl" buttons. It looks like it's 10-15% of the height of the buttons.
Posted 2020-January-19, 00:16
When clicking and winning a trick in fourth position on a samsung pad the new softtware for 4 hands plays the card to the right of the card played automatically. not good...
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