There is a logic to this bidding: By opening with a void or a singleton, I am looking to see if partner has a stopper in the suit. LHO will not bid because they have the suit. Partner supports the bid and RHO passes on the belief that I will get a bad score. I bid 6NT in this case because I have a very strong hand, I hope partner has something else in the other suits (after all, opps did not bid) and now it's too hard for anyone to get in. GIB will always lead 4th down from another suit because I bid diamonds - in this case, most likely 5♠ which double-dummy gives 12 tricks.
Exactly the same thing happened yesterday but with a slightly more ridiculous bidding sequence. In this case, double-dummy says I should be -4, but once again, GIB does not know my heart holding and I'm able to make the contract. Here is the full link so that you can replay the hand and enjoy the GIB bidding explanations 7NTX vulnerable. Notice that as in the previous example, even though the OPS have good hearts they keep quiet, and they do not lead them - even when I reach 7NTX. The hand was played in less than 5 minutes so cheating would be very hard!