i read the manual about this and cant have it working
here's my code:
//teste para Gladiator - 7 nov 2019 sS = spades (south) sH = hearts (south) sD = diamonds (south) sC = clubs (south) sSe = spades(east) sHe = hearts (east) sSn = spades(north) sHn = hearts (north) sDn = diamonds (north) sCn = clubs (north) zona = 15 < hcp (south) and hcp (south) < 19 distribuicaoST = shape (south, any 4333 + any 4432 + any 5332) ricoQuinto = sS == 5 or sH == 5 menorQuarto = sD == 4 or sC == 4 restricaoRicoMenor = not (ricoQuinto and menorQuarto) restricaoRicos = not ((sH > 4 and sS > 3) or (sH > 3 and sS > 4)) restricoes = restricaoRicoMenor and restricaoRicos distribuicao = distribuicaoST and restricoes interventor = zona and distribuicao zonaAbridor = 5 < hcp (east) and hcp (east) < 11 distribuicaoAbridor = sSe ==6 or sHe == 6 abridor = zonaAbridor and distribuicaoAbridor if (sSe == 6) distribuicaoAdvancer = (sHn >= 5 and sCn >= 5); else distribuicaoAdvancer = (sSn >= 5 and sCn >= 5); zonaAdvancer = hcp (north) > 8 advancer = distribuicaoAdvancer and zonaAdvancer advancer = zonaAdvancer condition abridor and interventor and advancer
what i want is to know how to use a simple if/else statement
can anyone please help me?
Thanks in advance
NB my code works perfectly if i exclude the "if"