is my Director right? 2/1 bidding
Posted 2019-October-16, 21:41
I open 1H and NO interference ..
My partner has 4-Spades and Opening points
My Director says that my partner MUST BID 1-Spade and cannot bid a 2/1 repŝonse....
True of False
thanks all
Posted 2019-October-16, 22:20
First of all, I don't see how his authority as a director is relevant. Obviously it is legal to have the agreement not to respond 1♠. Maybe certain responses should be alerted in your local jurisdiction?
If the question is not about legal matters but about what is the most common, or most standard, approach, I would say:
- With a 4333 shape, everyone would respond 1♠.
- With 4234, standard is probably to respond 1♠, but some experts respond 2♣. Bidding 2♦ on a 4-card suit is not such a great idea but you will probably find support for that style also.
- With four spades and a 5-card minor, standard is to bid the minor first. You will find a few experts who prefer to bid spades, though.
Some experts let it depend on suit quality.
I hope this helps.
Posted 2019-October-17, 02:39
Otherwise, helene_t's comment is right. Supressing a good five card ♣/♦ at the two level for a poor four card ♠ suit at the one level is anti-bridge and also raises the issues of whether canape (short suits before long suits) are allowed too.
And, I'm assuming here, probably under ABCL/CBF rules canape bids would not be allowed either.
Posted 2019-October-17, 02:42
If you aren't in a hurry to tinker with important mechanisms then just follow the book and check with TD what needs to be alerted in your system.
Posted 2019-October-17, 05:13
helene_t, on 2019-October-16, 22:20, said:
First of all, I don't see how his authority as a director is relevant. Obviously it is legal to have the agreement not to respond 1♠. Maybe certain responses should be alerted in your local jurisdiction?
If the question is not about legal matters but about what is the most common, or most standard, approach, I would say:
- With a 4333 shape, everyone would respond 1♠.
- With 4234, standard is probably to respond 1♠, but some experts respond 2♣. Bidding 2♦ on a 4-card suit is not such a great idea but you will probably find support for that style also.
- With four spades and a 5-card minor, standard is to bid the minor first. You will find a few experts who prefer to bid spades, though.
Some experts let it depend on suit quality.
I hope this helps.
Many thanks for your quick reply. I always thought that 2/1 was a quick method to show your strength .
I open 1H.....partner I have 5H and opening points
Partner bids 2C or 2D, promises opening values
Lets find a FIT.....
Posted 2019-October-17, 06:32
robiche, on 2019-October-17, 05:13, said:
I open 1H.....partner I have 5H and opening points
Partner bids 2C or 2D, promises opening values
Lets find a FIT.....
More or less true, but that doesn't exclude responding 1S when it is natural to do so - remember that a 1 over 1 bid is unlimited in strength. And then the devil is in the detail - what do 2C and 2D promise, does 2S after that just promise spades or something extra? What do partner's bids mean if you raise his major at 3 level? And so on.
These are not choices you should improvise. The best thing is to find a good description of a system commonly played in your area and follow that to the letter.
Posted 2019-October-17, 06:41
pescetom, on 2019-October-17, 06:32, said:
These are not choices you should improvise. The best thing is to find a good description of a system commonly played in your area and follow that to the letter.
Thank you for your excellent reply to my question .. I agree 100% with your suggestion.....
Posted 2019-October-17, 09:57
Posted 2019-October-17, 12:55
(Certified ACBL Club Director)
Thanks kindly for the issue.
Posted 2019-October-17, 13:33
robiche, on 2019-October-16, 21:41, said:
I open 1H and NO interference ..
My partner has 4-Spades and Opening points
My Director says that my partner MUST BID 1-Spade and cannot bid a 2/1 repŝonse....
True of False
thanks all
False Its not in a TD's remit to tell a player what to bid unless there has been an infringement of some kind..
I am a former real life TD. End of story. Whoever this person was,he/she needs to brush up their knowledge
of the Laws.

- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2019-October-17, 13:35
Holding for a example a 4126 pattern and GF you start with 2♣ and later introduce your 4 card ♠ if needed.
Posted 2019-October-17, 13:40
There are good reasons for NOT bypassing a 4 card major.
Nothing says you can't!
You can't legislate against bad bridge!
Posted 2019-October-17, 13:56
I take it that one of your opponents did something like make a really stupid 3♠ bid with a 5-card spade suit and went down a ton? I can already imagine the explanation to the director about how they "only did it because I thought that responder denied spades on the auction"...
Posted 2019-October-17, 14:02
Posted 2019-October-17, 14:32
msjennifer, on 2019-October-17, 14:02, said:
Not exactly. You may occasionally deviate from your system, but if you have done it often enough that your partner is aware that you might do so again then it is now an agreement and you must disclose this to your opponents, otherwise it is a serious offence.
Posted 2019-October-17, 16:31
robiche, on 2019-October-16, 21:41, said:
I open 1H and NO interference ..
My partner has 4-Spades and Opening points
My Director says that my partner MUST BID 1-Spade and cannot bid a 2/1 repŝonse....
True of False
If your director is speaking from the viewpoint of the rules of the game, he's completely wrong. If he's speaking from the viewpoint of bidding theory, then the first question you've left unanswered is "what is your partner's shape?" If he has a five card or longer minor, he should bid it in preference to 1!S. If he is balanced with exactly 2 hearts then 1!S is the right bid. If he has four hearts he should raise hearts. If he has exactly 4=3=3=3 distribution, some would bid 3NT, but that's a special partnership understanding (it's part of Bergen Raises, for example).
If my answers are limited to true or false, then I'd have to answer "false".
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2019-October-17, 16:56
If you enter the specific hand that prompted the TD's comment we can perhaps provide additional feedback. My thought is that you perhaps had something like a 4=5=2=2 shape and the opponents felt aggrieved after a non-alerted 2♣ response with the TD trying to tell you that you cannot have an agreement to respond with a natural 2♣. It would be legal to respond with an artificial (alerted) 2♣ or to make a psychic natural 2♣ call, providing that was a one-off and not something partner could ever predict. Normally though one would either respond 1♠ or with a conventional call showing a strong raise. It is not part of standard 2/1 to respond with 2 of a minor on that sort of hand, which I assume was the TD's intent in her/his commentary rather than trying to teach you about a point of Law.
Posted 2019-October-17, 18:49
The only MUST in a director's instructions is for showing good manners!
But I'm speculating you say 'My Director' as a euphemism for 'Good player' rather than 'Referee'. In which case they're probably right (since directors usually are!). Although I'd suggest they are simply expressing 'with that particular hand in that context, the best bid was 1S'
You should read Larry Cohen's excellent 12-part article about 2/1 https://www.larryco....nter/detail/435 -where the first 5 parts actually say when not to bid 2/1! This will give you a full understanding of 2/1 and WHY you should have bid 1S for that situation.
Posted 2019-October-17, 19:17
FelicityR, on 2019-October-17, 02:39, said:
And, I'm assuming here, probably under ABCL/CBF rules canape bids would not be allowed either.
Canape is allowed except in Basic or Basic+ Chart Club/Events. It is a pre-alert before the auction and an alert during the auction when the second, longer suit is bid.
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.