I am going to double and lead ace and a trump.
The 5 level Who owns it?
Posted 2019-September-17, 07:00
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones -- Albert Einstein
Posted 2019-September-17, 16:41
Maybe some of the high-level cheats know what to do without looking at their hand, the rest of us mere mortals don't.
edit: Incidentally this reminds me of when I played my first ever congress. I was a beginner at the time and being tired, an opp said nice hand. It didn't occur to me she meant the cards I held!
edit: Incidentally this reminds me of when I played my first ever congress. I was a beginner at the time and being tired, an opp said nice hand. It didn't occur to me she meant the cards I held!
Wayne Somerville
Vulnerability, scoring-method, bidding understandings, and your hand all influence your decision. You might even give up on the penalty double and, instead, agree that double strongly suggests that partner bid on, unless he has extra defence. Long ♥s, your ♦ and ♠ holdings (e.g. ♠xxx or ♠ shortage) might suggest a sacrifice). Vulnerable, you are wary of sacrificing, but non-vulnerable, you are keen to sacrifice, especially at pairs or BAM. At cut-in rubber-bridge, with a poor partner, you are loth to sacrifice.