Posted 2005-May-16, 10:36
I have a void and RHO couldn't find a club raise... Another curious bidding problem. Two key considerations on this hand: Strain and level. Partner has 4+ Hearts and I have Kxxx with a void in the opponents suit. Even so, Spades might be out best contract. Swans play best in the long suit. Despite my 12 HCP, slam could very easily be on.
My plan is to jump to 4♣, showing club shortage and setting Hearts as trump. This bid strikes me as the best of a bad lot.
Hardest hand of the bunch...
Posted 2005-May-16, 10:42
Posted 2005-May-16, 11:05
I voted for 3♣ asking partner to tell me more. Slam may be around and I need to get a better idea of the strain.
If my partner bids 3♥ showing at 5 hearts - I assume here that 4♣ becomes a cue-bid agreeing hearts or do you bid 5♣ exclusion blackwood given the club void?
If my partner bids 3♠ showing 2 spades at least then I need 1 KC o/s of Clubs for slam with the double fit suggested by the double.
If partner bids 3NT I'm not sure what I do!!
Posted 2005-May-16, 11:15

Posted 2005-May-16, 11:16
Posted 2005-May-16, 11:36
Blofeld, on May 16 2005, 12:22 PM, said:
4♣ is not without attraction, though.
Well said.
Agree with Richard, very tough hand.
Posted 2005-May-16, 12:34

next time i save my msg
Posted 2005-May-16, 18:17
I want to find out what partner based the neg dbl on. Cue set up the force.
Another thing. Where are all the clubs with rho not supporting?
Posted 2005-May-16, 18:28
i dont like any of the bids.
RHO passed, so LHO is marked with a LOT of ♣s. Partner has only 4♥s, so suits will probably break badly, and my majors are not good enough to handle it

what could partner have:
with 2 spades and 4 hearts i want to be in 4♠
with 0-1 spades and 4 hearts i want to play in ♥, but how high?
1st idea 3♠
and over partners 3NT, 4♥
that would really be dream scenario.
2nd idea
2♥ and over 3♥, 3S offering a choice of games.
Posted 2005-May-16, 18:33
Posted 2005-May-16, 19:30
Echognome, on May 16 2005, 06:33 PM, said:
i do not think i'd be willing to hear partner say "pass" after my 2♠... i wouldn't feel well at all
Posted 2005-May-16, 19:42
Posted 2005-May-16, 20:13
I forgot to count my ZAR points!
Posted 2005-May-16, 23:49
Reasonable description I suppose but its hard to differentiate between this hand type and the monster 5440.
Thanks to Han (hannie) for this problem
? your bid