I don't know if this is a good example of planning play, something that often seems neglected and assumed by me and also many forum discussions, but is clearly an important beginner thing that I still fall down on. I tend to have a few basic strategies and then be somewhat reactive when unusual occurrences take place - without always taking the safest line (eg bad breaks)
Any thoughts about this one please. Suffice to say I went down 1 trick at Matchpoints. WOuld you have ended up in a different contract. How would you bid. How would you plan play etc. I didnt like NT but it probably makes on many plays

You get a small heart from East
The way I played was to win the heart in hand (W played J), then lead to KC, then knock out Ace diamonds (E), lose a spade to the Ace (E), then you get another Spade lead to the King

Thanks P
EDITED below to help Cyber. Tring to flip diagrams. Did it work

EDIT. Sorry, I'm totally confused myself now flipping the text

You get a small heart from West
The way I played was to win the heart in hand (E played J), then lead to KC, then knock out Ace diamonds (W), lose a spade to the Ace (W), then you get another Spade lead to the King