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Pessimistic claim
Posted 2019-September-13, 17:24
The lead is in dummy and declarer pitches the spade winner on the losing diamond or club winner. (AKA - Winner on Loser play). I don't see anything wrong with GIB accepting this claim.
A different situation would be if South was leading at trick 10. Now there is no possibility of EW legally winning a trick, so I would expect that GIB would reject that claim.
A different situation would be if South was leading at trick 10. Now there is no possibility of EW legally winning a trick, so I would expect that GIB would reject that claim.
Posted 2019-September-13, 22:03
If a declarer claim is wrong and so can lose a trick in this ending I would not argue with the claim as a defender. GIB agrees. It is human. lol
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A deal from the current challenge event:
Declarer concedes a trick In a 4-card-ending,
where all his cards are winners.
Legally, should Gib be credited with a trick that it can't win
unless declarer leads a loser from dummy and discards his ♠ winner