How to rebid with when playing weak NT
Posted 2019-September-04, 16:32
After the sequence:
He wants the opener to rebid 1NT with 15-17 balanced and 4 card support in the major.
I prefer to show immediate support with 4 of partner's major.
He says, if systems are on after the 1NT rebid, we will still find the 4-4 fit.
Can some of you tell me the pluses and minuses of each alternative agreement ?
Posted 2019-September-04, 16:52
One advantage of this system is that 15-16 BAL hands with 4-card support can be awkward to bid otherwise - they're worth more than a single raise, but less than a double raise due to lack of shape. One workaround I once devised for this is in a T-Walsh context 1C-1R; 3D, which is otherwise unused (since 2D is a forcing reverse), to show this hand.
Posted 2019-September-04, 17:01
On the other hand, weak NT doesn't blend well with 3-card raises. If
can be a balanced 16 with 4-card support but also a 3415 11-count, responder has a problem with 10 points and a 4-card spades.
So you may agree not to raise with 3 and a bare minimum, and/or agree that both
are non-forcing.
Posted 2019-September-04, 17:44
mangurian, on 2019-September-04, 16:32, said:
That is a very shortsighted argument.
First, it assumes responder has enough to bid over 1NT. Obviously that is not the case and responder will have to pass 1NT with some frequency.
Second, some of the time you are going to leak information to the defense when you are looking for a fit after the 1NT rebid. If opener was able to immediately raise you wouldn't be in that situation.
Posted 2019-September-04, 19:18
johnu, on 2019-September-04, 17:44, said:
First, it assumes responder has enough to bid over 1NT. Obviously that is not the case and responder will have to pass 1NT with some frequency.
Second, some of the time you are going to leak information to the defense when you are looking for a fit after the 1NT rebid. If opener was able to immediately raise you wouldn't be in that situation.
Also it seems to me that if you are using Checkback looking for 4-card support, you will have a problem finding 5-3 fits.
Posted 2019-September-04, 20:03
1m - 1M - 1NT - 2NT - 3M
1m - 1M - 1NT - 3NT - 4M
If you would normally check back, using 2-way nmf:
1m - 1M - 1NT - 2♣ - 2M (2♣ is normally puppet to 2♦; this bid that normally wouldn't exist shows 4-fit)
1m - 1M - 1NT - 2♦ - 3M (here 2M shows 3-fit, 3M is not used as most play this method and can show 4-fit and set trump)
As for hands that evaluate very differently in the presence of 4-card support, these hands usually have quite a bit of shape. That means they're unlikely to pass after the 1NT rebid, and you can have:
1m - 1M - 1NT - 2M - 3M (at least you have a nine-card fit here)
1m - 1M - 1NT... try to sign off in 3m... 3M
As best I can tell, the only significant disadvantage to rebidding 1NT is when partner has a pass of the rebid. This is not insignificant, but you do have field protection (assuming the field plays strong notrump) and you're pretty unlikely to miss a game this way. Of course, the only significant advantage is that 1m - 1M - 2M has the normal range and can handle three-card support on minimum shapely hands (this is a problem otherwise, as Helene points out upthread).
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2019-September-04, 20:35
Vampyr, on 2019-September-04, 19:18, said:
OP said systems on. Could mean different things to different players, but could systems on mean Stayman and transfers? I've never heard of Checkback, 2 way NMF, XYZ, etc referred to as systems on.
Posted 2019-September-04, 20:44
awm, on 2019-September-04, 20:03, said:
The more significant issue is that you have opponents who are not only listening but ready to double artificial bids. As others point out above, adding extra rounds to the bidding runs the real risk of helping the opponents more than the declaring side. Not doubling an artificial bid also passes information, so it's hard to avoid being worse off than people who just raise with these hands.
Even rebidding 1NT when you know you are playing in spades will help opening leader - dummy is less likely to have a long suit for tricks or to provide quick ruffs.
Posted 2019-September-04, 20:55
helene_t, on 2019-September-04, 17:01, said:
After e.g. 1C-1S can you not have a minimum 4225? (With hearts and poor clubs you may wish to open 1NT on a 2425 to avoid rebid issues over 1C-1S, but I wouldn't expect anyone to do the same with 4225, unless the hand really screamed out for NT with a bunch of tenaces.)
Posted 2019-September-04, 21:02
ahydra, on 2019-September-04, 20:55, said:
Yeah, good point, although some count two doubletons as similar to a singleton

When I played in England I found myself opening 1NT about twice as often as most others. So this obviously depends on your style.
Posted 2019-September-05, 00:36
I play a weak NT in combination with four-card majors. Our solution to your problem is simple: we open the four-card major! With two four-card suits we will always open the major in preference to the minor.
Posted 2019-September-05, 00:46
helene_t, on 2019-September-04, 21:02, said:

When I played in England I found myself opening 1NT about twice as often as most others. So this obviously depends on your style.
The other problem distribution is a minimum 4414. Yes, you have a singleton, but you do not have the playing strength that would usually be expected.
Having said that, 4441 hands are problems for most bidding systems.
Posted 2019-September-05, 02:01
mangurian, on 2019-September-04, 16:32, said:
After the sequence:
He wants the opener to rebid 1NT with 15-17 balanced and 4 card support in the major.
I prefer to show immediate support with 4 of partner's major.
He says, if systems are on after the 1NT rebid, we will still find the 4-4 fit.
Can some of you tell me the pluses and minuses of each alternative agreement ?
A fit is a fit is a fit is a fit...and supressing it is just anti-bridge. There's a billion reasons why your partner is wrong and that is down to a gentleman called Sam Stayman and his namesake convention that has probably - can some other bridge player confirm this - been used more times than any other convention. Just look at this situation as a 'backwards version of Stayman'
As other commentators have rightly said, evaluating and raising a fit with hands in the 15-17 range could prove slightly problematic but after a 1m - 1M auction assuming you play 5 card majors (given that your profile says that you are from the USA), responder will either have a 5-6+ HCP hand with a four card major, or a 5 card major in a slightly lesser hand.
The 4-4 fit will usually play for a trick or two more than a NT contract, and supressing the fit and using some checkback after rebidding 1NT just gives information to the opposition.
I would be more worried as a responder where my 4 card major has been raised to the two level by opener, not quite knowing if he/she a 3 card fit or a 4 card one, and using some form of checkback here might be useful if responder has game values, but looking for a NT contract when you definitely have a 4-4 fit is taking things too far. Only once in a blue moon will no-trumps play better than 4 of a major.
Posted 2019-September-05, 02:32
1 m - 1 M
2 m
always shows the minimum minor hand. This is the scheme adopted by Edgar Kaplan way back when for the Kaplan-Sheinwold bidding system. All the other rebids imply stronger hands. This makes sense since something like 65 % of the hands that are opened 1 m when playing weak NTs are more than minimum range openers. In K-S, the major raises are upgrade to reflect the following ranges -
2 M 15-17 and 4 trump
3 M 18-19 and 4 trump
4 M flattish 20 and 4 trump that you decide not to open 2 NT.
If you have 4 card support in a minimum unbalanced minor hand, you can still raise to 2 M as likely you have distributional values that get you up to 15-17 value. The number of hands where you get too high is infrequent enough as to be not much of an issue.
Posted 2019-September-05, 06:46
awm, on 2019-September-04, 20:03, said:
1m - 1M - 1NT - 2♣ - 2M (2♣ is normally puppet to 2♦; this bid that normally wouldn't exist shows 4-fit)
1m - 1M - 1NT - 2♦ - 3M (here 2M shows 3-fit, 3M is not used as most play this method and can show 4-fit and set trump)
Unfamiliar with 2-way nmf. 2-way Checkback is very different.
Posted 2019-September-05, 11:16
Posted 2019-September-05, 13:46
Posted 2019-September-05, 13:55
johnu, on 2019-September-04, 17:44, said:
First, it assumes responder has enough to bid over 1NT. Obviously that is not the case and responder will have to pass 1NT with some frequency.
Second, some of the time you are going to leak information to the defense when you are looking for a fit after the 1NT rebid. If opener was able to immediately raise you wouldn't be in that situation.
Posted 2019-September-06, 08:42