smerriman, on 2019-August-18, 03:22, said:
How is making a bid that promises nothing more than 2 clubs - are both partner and opponents know this - misleading, but making a bid which promises 5 cards when you have 4 not misleading?
Thats totally ridiculous Stephen, I'm sorry and fails on every test of common sense and logic. Its a two major hand and you are bidding a worthless doubleton rather than show your two majors, purely to miselead the defence or from some misguided rigidity on bidding in bridge. If you are going to allow a doubleton bid in that case then it should be 2D
smerriman, on 2019-August-18, 03:22, said:
Have no issues with breaking rules when it leads to a better result, but in this case I can only think of hands where it makes things worse - all of the ones listed above. But if it works for you, great. Will happily play against it

I will happily play my way. You can happily play yours. However I do not like to mislead the defence to that extent
PS I'm not necessarily saying I would bid my 4 card major first, just that on some hands I would. I judge every individual hands on its individual merits in terms of shape, controls, points, losers etc. My second bid could easily be a pass and I only open a 5 card major in 2/1 on the assumption that a pass would be a legitimate bid in response to 1NT

So I often pass hands and then join the auction later if I am stuck. When I said I needed my rebids worked out it includes a pass. A pass is a bid in my book