MPs, all vul
8xxx 9xx Jx Qxxx
You deal, LHO opens 2NT (20-22), opps bid
2NT-3C puppet stayman
3D one 4cM - 4H "natural, 6 hearts"
all pass
I asked if RHO is 3=6, "probably". Opps are not experienced players.
What would you lead?
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Did I make the right lead?
Posted 2019-August-08, 06:53
It's MPs so even if the opponents can make the contract, the last thing you want to do is give away overtricks. Partner has some points in his/her hand, and whilst a lead away from the ♣Q might be profitable, declarer is likely to be short in some suit, and its more likely to be ♣s. The ♦J lead looks best, and on a good day partner has ♦ honours too and you may also get a ruff on the third round.
Posted 2019-August-08, 14:42
Actually, all leads could be justified and no suit seems « obviously wrong ». DJ could easily backfire but is more likely to « force » dummy’s honors than a neutral H that won’t give anything away but loses a tempo. S might help develop dummy’s suit while p rates to be short there, and is the lead I like the least. C could establish a trick for us but rates to be declarer’s short suit...
At MPs, I’ll go for the neutral and let my non-experienced opp blow a trick by his’own 🤣🤣
At MPs, I’ll go for the neutral and let my non-experienced opp blow a trick by his’own 🤣🤣
Posted 2019-August-10, 01:18
ahydra, on 2019-August-08, 05:52, said:
You deal, LHO opens 2NT (20-22), opps bid
2NT-3C puppet stayman
3D one 4cM - 4H "natural, 6 hearts"
all pass
I asked if RHO is 3=6, "probably". Opps are not experienced players.
Are they beginners and just guessing? An agreement to show 6 hearts and wrong side the contract here is dumb to say the least.
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