After partner shows a heart fit and a limit raise, what do you do?
What would you do?
Posted 2019-May-24, 19:04
After partner shows a heart fit and a limit raise, what do you do?
Posted 2019-May-24, 22:50
Posted 2019-May-25, 00:56
Posted 2019-May-25, 01:19
Cyberyeti, on 2019-May-25, 00:56, said:
Its pretty close.I shall bid game.A factor also to consider here is opponents are silent throughout.So I guess responder shall produce good 10/11.I believe he will not give an IMMEDIATE RAISE without a REALLY useful invitational hand in light of my bids. With a competitive but not invitational hand he shall PASS and then either compete or pass if opponents come in with 3 C/D.Considering his two bids the DJ10x and CQ may prove to be the keys.
Posted 2019-May-25, 04:22
At IMPs, I would reconsider, but it asks a lot (no wasted C a d short D + fitting H in the majors, or CK + a diamond slow stopper + they don’t lead D + good guesses in the majors) from partner.
The issue is p would probably bid the same with Qx AKxxx xx xxxx and xx Axxx Kxx Kxxx, as I could still have 16 of a bad 17.
So pass unless I’m playing against friends who need a top to qualify. And obviously no luck this time they got a bottom cuz I make!
Posted 2019-May-25, 12:45
Posted 2019-May-25, 13:11
On the plus side the trump holding looks good- partner might be short in the reds or have combining cards if not.
So- I would look at who I am playing against to finally decide.
Posted 2019-May-25, 14:15
kenberg, on 2019-May-25, 12:45, said:
I don't, but I almost do.
More points than an absolute minimum, semi-solid spades, a liberal dose of of 9 and 10, a singleton.
Offset partially by wasted honours in the minors, but still worth looking hard at before passing I think.
Posted 2019-May-25, 15:59
So... I went and did a small scale analysis on this, because it was too tempting to pass up. I created 100 hands fixing the provided hand and randomly generating the rest of the hands assuming that our partner has 10-11, 0-2 spades, 4-5 hearts, and 3+ of each minor. The results were about as expected I'd say. Again, this assumes perfect play.
Making 6H: 1
Making 5H: 5
Making 4H: 16
Making 3H: 25
Making 2H: 3
Pass: (3x-50) + (25*140) + (16*170) + (5*200) + (1*230) = 7300
4H: (3x-100) + (25*-50) + (16*420) + (5*450) + (1*480) = 7900
Truly a coin toss... Although again, this assumes perfect defense. I guess the question is, how much do you respect your opponents?
Posted 2019-May-25, 16:23
Also, this is matchpoints which favors conservatism as long as not crazy conservative. 170 beats people who are 140 or -50 by the same margin as 420 does. Just making 10 tricks can be a good board if there is anything tricky to the play or if you need a favorable lead, without risking -50/-100 if 4 is hopeless.
Posted 2019-May-25, 17:02
dsLawsd, on 2019-May-25, 13:11, said:
Is a first seat opening!
Posted 2019-May-25, 17:33
This is a bad hand. We have bad, short trump, and only 3 controls. Even at imps, red, I think this is very close, but at MPs, bidding rates to generate a minus score far too often. MPs is about plus scores, not big scores. Sure, 4H could make, but so what? Most of the time it won’t.
Posted 2019-May-26, 02:36
Posted 2019-May-26, 03:12
mikeh, on 2019-May-25, 17:33, said:
This is a bad hand. We have bad, short trump, and only 3 controls. Even at imps, red, I think this is very close, but at MPs, bidding rates to generate a minus score far too often. MPs is about plus scores, not big scores. Sure, 4H could make, but so what? Most of the time it won't.
Sir ,pardon me.After reading the description of the assets of the oppening hand I personally think that opener has erred in bidding 1S .Frankly speaking then he perhaps should PASS the 1NT non forcing response as Partner has denied a spade support and he does have DJ10x and CQ which POSSIBLY be useful for NT.Or perhaps they should employ any other useful convention which caters for such maddening hands.
Posted 2019-May-26, 04:35
Partner can easily have 5 ♥ which improves game chances considerably. Will 3 +1 score enough. In a good field probably not. Maybe I should change my vote to close but bid on.
Maarten Baltussen
Posted 2019-May-26, 06:36
HardVector, on 2019-May-24, 19:04, said:
After partner shows a heart fit and a limit raise, what do you do?
Pass without any hesitation Partner's response of 1NT shows a maximum of 9 hcp which
added to yours only gives a combined total of 20-22 pts;;well short of what's needed for game.
The hand has no 'stuffing' and the singleton Q♣ might just as well be a small one.
You might already be overboard in 3[hearts As partners 1NT was a limit bid,he really should have passed
2[hearts] as you were simply asking for preference. Pass and hope you can make it.
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Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
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Posted 2019-May-26, 08:21
PhilG007, on 2019-May-26, 06:36, said:
added to yours only gives a combined total of 20-22 pts
I agree with the pass though.