North is so strong that personally I would open it 1S especially if Drury is available. When opened as a weak two however i responded with 2N force which GIB sees as artificial 15-point+ forcing.
GIB then makes a minimum bid of 3S which it says is 7-9 total points. Why? It clearly has a much stronger hand. Maybe it thinks we will end in no trumps and discounts points for doubleton and singleton? But it seems to score nothing for the Q♣ either... anyway game was a sure thing. Next time I shall assume GIB cant handle 2N with trump support and just jump straight to 4S.
rmcubed56 complains that GIB underbid the North hand
Perhaps South should share the blame when game-prospects are good opposite a weaker North, say
♠ 9 8 7 6 5 4 ♥ 3 ♦ 6 5 4 2 ♣ 5 4