661_Pete, on 2019-May-09, 14:00, said:
Here's an amusing one. Love all, dealer S, pairs MPs, I was sitting west:
I opened 3♥ - can you blame me? - and my partner quietly raised to 4♥. North led a trump and of course I claimed all 13 tricks.
The point is: 7♥ is unbeatable but only if played by East. If West plays it, surely South will have found some way of signalling a ♣ lead during the bidding. So my best bet would have been to pass, let East open 2NT, then I bid 3♦ transfer to ♥. Whether we can reach 7♥ from that point is debatable - I don't think I have the necessary bidding skills.
Perhaps someone can point the way?
I opened 3♥ - can you blame me? - and my partner quietly raised to 4♥. North led a trump and of course I claimed all 13 tricks.
The point is: 7♥ is unbeatable but only if played by East. If West plays it, surely South will have found some way of signalling a ♣ lead during the bidding. So my best bet would have been to pass, let East open 2NT, then I bid 3♦ transfer to ♥. Whether we can reach 7♥ from that point is debatable - I don't think I have the necessary bidding skills.
Perhaps someone can point the way?
it will not make u feel better but i dont have the bidding skills also to bid the slam here
im surprised to hear so many opening 1H with that hand and apparently for some its actually normal i can see that the standard opening is getting weaker and weaker honestly even i know how bridge has changed the last couple of year in term of agressivity i just cant make a 1H opening . personally i am into a 4H bid and so of coruse will not do any better than what happened with u... may i ask what is the score u had for 4H +3 ? i would be super surprised if u tell me u get 10% with every table bidding 6 or 7 . i will take risk but i would actually think u get super close to 50% if not more.
as for the question bidding 7 "by the good side" is totally irrelevant as some other point out
im pretty sure we(bridge player) in a bridge season are doing much more bigger mistake than not finding a 7H with those hands....