Minor suit transfers and stayman are fairly new to me (since I started playing BBO tourneys and all the conventions "thrown in" to GiBs convention card) and of course don't occur very frequently due to their different requirements and approach to major suit stayman and transfers. However on a few occasions after a minor transfer I have missed an excellent chance of 3NT due to either 1) underestimation by responder of potential of their hand or 2) a decision by me not to ignore the transfer and bid 3NT with a good fitting NT opener. Following recent discussions on alternatives to regular accepts of Jacoby transfers, is there more latitude in minor transfers for opener to push for game if they have a top 17pt NT and a good looking fit for the 6 clubs
Here are two example openeing hands (one of which I played and was unfortunately passed by responder). I considered a 3NT bid which would have made easily in this case (I will show responders hand later). I know this one is risky in spades and it really requires responder to decide but I have given a second slightly modified hand
The first only has 16 points with vulnerable spades so I believe it was right to accept the 3C transfer despite the excellent club fit
The second I have given 17 points, the same club fit and better stops in spades. I cant find any guidelines on the concept of a 3NT superaccept for minor transfers
Or ... is it always up to responder and you have to live with missing out. Also how many people actually play minor suit stayman and transfers. As I say they are fairly new to me and dont occur very often. or..... with the second hand would you consider not opening 1NT
regards P