I play the Kh at trick one and go set as the cards lie.
I won't go into it here, but the only heart layout where your play really matters a lot is the actual one, with South having Qx. Otherwise, your play at trick one doesn't matter that much (maybe a little, not that much in terms of making or going down).
If the hearts are Qx with South, you have to hope North has the Kd, and you have a guess for the Ac. If you think North has the Ac, then fly King at trick one, and now South can choose between unblocking and setting the J up as a second stop or else playing low and blocking the suit. 100% to make here.
If you think South has the Ac, then play low at trick one and play low from hand no matter what South plays.
I would play King for a few reasons:
1. I think it's more likely that the overcaller has the Ac.
2. If I play K and North has the Ac but the D hook is wrong, I will still win if North doesn't unblock. Not likely, but could happen.
3. Even if I guess South for the Ac and am correct, it's still not 100% by any means at all. I play low and let South win regardless of what he plays. But now if South shifts to a spade, I am probably dead if North has the Ks. And if he doesn't have the Ac, he likely has Ks and Kd.
So King for me - and down I go. What else is new?