We play 2/1.
I opened this hand in west with 11 HCP because of the distribution and a decent spade suit. I only have 1 quick trick. LTC is 6 - but that is just used to tip the scales a bit if on the fence. Rebid - is a question since not very strong. It does meet the rule of 20.
First question - should I have passed and hope someone else (preferably partner) will open the bidding?
Now - partner starts a 2/1 with clubs as the suit.
Do I show 4 card support for clubs and bid 3 hearts to show shortness in hearts?
What is the best bid to describe my hand?
I am going to post partner's hand after getting feedback on this bid. I would very much like feedback on the entire auction. Thx.
OK - this is partner's hand and how our bidding went up to my second bid. What would you now bid?
How about if I did not open - how would the bidding go? I expect partner would have opened 1c, and I would have responded 1s. Now - partner would want to show his strength - a jump shift?? Would show 19 but perhaps is the better lie?
Thanks in advance.