Thanks for all the replies. I was really interested how many people would pass for penalties. I thought about it but it violated 1 of my 4 rules. So the decision rests as to take the high road for game or the low road for part score knowing that the long trump hand will be forced with spade leads (if you can actually find a fit).
Since I tend towards optimism in these types of hands, I bid 3NT hoping the suit wold block. This was Xed by RHO to indicate a
♠ lead promising an honor and I knew I was in trouble. I pulled to 4
♣ and luckily found a 5 card suit in dummy but this was Xed by RHO again
(so much for my optimism) I scrambled to 9 tricks with ruffs and high cards so we got out of the deal only slightly burnt.
I also thought of 4
♥ playing in a Moysian fit. The reason I chose
♣ instead of
♥ is that 1 I am much more likely to find a 5 card fit in the suit instead of in
♥, and I am much more likely to find of find a 3-3 fit in
♥ instead of
♣. At this point I am simply trying to get out of the deal with the least amount of damage.
The choice of pass for penalties is one I think some would think long and hard about and I did also. I stated that I have 4 STRICT rules about passing low level take out doubles which are:
1: I have good reason to believe that we have a majority of the high card points; CHECK
2: I have good reason to believe that the hand is a misfit deal; CHECK
3a: Rule of 12: 12 minus the number of tricks declarer will need to take is the number of trumps I need in my hand (ie. 12 - 8 (for 2 spade contract) = 4) CHECK
3b: Rule of 10: 10 minus the number of tricks declarer will need to take is the number of trump tricks I need in my hand (ie. 10 - 8 (for 2 spade contract) = 2
the last point is the stickler I also adjust the total by 1, if I am in front of declarer meaning I need 5 length and 3 trump tricks in a spade contract. This is to account for trump endplays, elopement trump plays and the fact that partner might lead a trump in these auctions and I need to account for this.
Thank you again to all who replied, it seems we were predestined for a negative board on this hand but sometimes you have to try to get out of these with the least amount of pain as possible, knowing that other pairs will face the same decisions.
Regards T