Posted 2019-March-24, 08:00
I found this hand (remembering something like that) in the beautiful book by José Le Dentu "Bridge dei Campioni" in the part dedicated to "The psychological weapon": "4. The force of despair It was at that time of the whist that an unknown champion, to get out of a desperate situation, discovered a remarkable cunning. Since then, it has always been used successfully, especially by Goren and we can say that "there is no adversary in the world that can avoid falling into the trap", as this deal [in post #1] shows. The bidding reported is a slightly different: S 1 ♣ W (p) N 1 ♦ E (X), p! - (1 ♥) - p- (2 ♠), 3 ♠ - (p) -4 ♦ - (p), 4NT [Blw] !! - (p) -5 ♦ [1Ace] - (p), 6 ♣ !!! (...) Seeing the opening lead of ♠ 4, South realized, in a flash, that West would ruff on the second round of ♠ because 2 was on dummy and 3 in his hand, with an extraordinary cold blood and without losing a second, as the minimum hesitation would have been fatal, "he rejects the King of Spades on the Ace" (...) In fact, if East does not play ♠, there is no defense and, when "he decides to fight back with the King of Hearts", S takes with the Ace and run all trumps (keeping all the diamonds to the dummy), while the situation for E gets worse from second to second. Consequently with himself, the opponent discards his last ♠ on the last atout, but the ♠ 3 turned winner, will make him suffer the anguish of a second squeeze and will procure S the second hold he missed." [From "Bridge A' La Une " by J. Le Dentu pages 362-363].(Lovera)