Evaluate this Hand
Posted 2019-March-19, 10:56
Plus, sometimes this hand will play better in hearts, although, if the auction permits, I will suggest notrump even if hearts are raised.....1H 2H 2N is for me natural in some partnerships (in others, it is not).
Posted 2019-March-19, 15:43
The hand has a 17 count plus a very good 5 card ♥ suit and 3 1/2 QTs. So it's definitely at the very tippety top of a strong NT range, if not better.
I'm upgrading because I want to get the ♥ suit out there both for offensive and defensive reasons. If the opponents play the hand and partner is on lead, a 1 ♥ opening should help avoid a potentially costly lead in the other suits. If it's our hand, there are no rebid problems.
Posted 2019-March-20, 13:09
rhm, on 2019-March-19, 06:13, said:
I would not have used Stayman either and I would have joined the two (out of 10) players who went down in 3NT. My rule, FWIW is that I bid 3NT with 4333 or 4432 with Hx as the doubleton, but bud Stayman with a low doubleton. That seems to tally with simulations opposite both 14-16 and 15-17.
Posted 2019-March-21, 07:47
Posted 2019-March-23, 22:12
Posted 2019-March-25, 10:38
Cyberyeti, on 2019-March-14, 15:32, said:
For that reason I open 1♥.
Sir,I fully agree with you.Will the pundits of puppets stayman please explain es to how the responder will judge the hand and whether to play in NT or 4H !Will he foresee SUCH A STRONG 5 card heart suit which may decide the final contract on this hand which is a BORDERLINE hand in which only conjectures will not guide the responder to decide the contract.The bid of 1NT is also made so as to protect the DAQ tenace from immediate attack.In my personal opinion it is a toss up between 1H and 1NT.Although I shall open this hand 1H ,sometimes I may open it 1NT particularly in the 3rd seat after two passes just to make it a wee bit harder for the opponents.Some pairs do play the GAZZILLI convention on the sequence 1H/S-pass-1NT-pass auction.Just for my knowledge, may some who do play it kindly explain the further bidding and if/whether they can discover the strong heart suit.
Posted 2019-March-26, 21:01
lamford, on 2019-March-14, 05:48, said:
Dealer South, Love All, IMPs converted to VPs, London Superleague
I had an interesting discussion with the London expert Phil King yesterday as to whether to open this hand a strong NT. I thought the K-R evaluation would be below 17, but Phil offered to buy at 17.5. In his match both dealers upgraded it. What do readers think?
IMHO.. based on the risk, 1♥ is safer bid. with that hand, normally 4♥ contract should be safer than 3nt.
if u bid 1♥:
-partner with low points (0-6 pts) but have 5 cards can bid 4h.
-partner with low pts, low h support maybe passed.
-partner with normal pts (7-11) , maybe bid 2h or 1nt --> still have chance to 3nt contract.
if u bid 1nt:
-big probability u will losing the road to bid 4h, unless ur partner have 4 cards (stayman).
- 3nt contract still risky.. since nt need u to have all suit stopper.
the thought of bidding 1nt is to have ur partner to know ur points, so maybe there's chance to have 3nt contract with low points, with hope u can save 1 trick difference (10 tricks 4h vs 9 tricks 3nt). but still, the rule of life should apply: big result = minimum effort + big risk, or ..big result = normal effort + normal risk. haha.
Posted 2019-April-02, 19:41
hrothgar, on 2019-March-14, 06:58, said:
He just won the Vanderbilt, which suggests that his opinion is of value. And he upgrade the hand to 18-19 and opened 1H.
Posted 2019-April-02, 19:49
lamford, on 2019-April-02, 19:41, said:
I'd wait for MikeH's opinion before committing to that POV
Surrendering to existential truth is the beginning of enlightenment.
Posted 2019-April-03, 04:52
lamford, on 2019-April-02, 19:41, said:
Did he upgrade it, or simply decide that it was tactically better to open 1♥ ? I'm not opening it 1♥ because it's too good, I'm opening 1♥ because I think it will get you to a better spot more often, it's more like I'm deciding it's the wrong shape rather than the wrong count.
Posted 2019-April-04, 00:16
Posted 2019-April-04, 09:43
Cyberyeti, on 2019-April-03, 04:52, said:
Phil King opened it 1H because he thought it was too good for 1NT. I don't know why Alex opened it 1H. I opened it 1NT and responded 3H to Stayman because I like to be different!
Posted 2019-April-05, 21:40
Personally, besides preferring NT, I also would prefer to only invite with this hand rather than raise to 3 NT. But I assume my 2NT response is used for something else, so the NT invite is only available with Stayman. I choose to raise to 3 NT directly, so I, too, get to the wromg contract and go down..
Posted 2019-April-06, 04:05
A significant percentage of the time the bidding will go 1♥ Pass 1NT and partner will have grabbed the no trumps and your AQ will be in the dummy. This problem is worse if you have spades rather than hearts as partner is more likely to grab the no trumps and less likely to have your AQ suit stopped.
I had a similar but different problem recently with five spades and ♣AQ but I had 19 hcp. I upgraded to 2NT, which I almost never do just to protect the the club tenace.
I would be happier upgrading to a Mexican 2♣ or 2♦ where I can still declare the no trumps than opening 1♥.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2019-April-09, 09:48
So I'm bidding 1 ♥ rather than a strong 1 NT here no matter the system.