barmar, on 2019-March-16, 10:11, said:
With one batch of 10K hands, I got NS higher 4515 times, average NS HCP = 19.8788. With a different batch, NS higher = 4630, avg = 20.0443.
Hi Barry,
There is something VERY VERY wrong with those numbers. I'm not sure what's up, but it seems like one of the following must be true
1. There is an error in the code that you are using to scrape stuff
2. The database that you are drawing from is biased in some way (perhaps people are doing training tables with artificially weak hands being dealt to N/S???)
3. Your hand dealer is borked
<In reality, I screwed the pooch>
From what I can tell, you dealt a total of 20,000 hands.
If everything is working right, I'd expect that there would be approximately 10K hands where N/S had more HCP and 10K hands where E/W had more. However, in this case, E/W had more HCP on 10,855 hands. This is REALLY far removed from the expected value.
A binomial distribution has a mean of n*P and a standard deviation of (n*p*(1-p))^.5
When we're looking at 20000 samples with a 50/50 split,
The expected mean is 10,000 with a standard deviation of about 70
your data set is 855 away from the mean, which is roughly a 12 sigma event.
I also set up a very simple sim in R, which came up with the same basic results
sim_length = 20000
counter <- matrix(0, sim_length)
for (i in 1:sim_length){
counter[i] <- sum(rbinom(10000,1,.5))
[I'd appreciate it if Helene or some such could double check my reasoning]