Posted 2019-March-04, 02:01
Hand 1 I should have pointed out you are vul ops are not, partner has void, Axxx, AKJx, KQ97x, 4♠ is +300 (only +100 if you lead a club), 5♣ is solid despite E having all 4 clubs.
Hand 3 I doubled, and what happened next was a major surprise. Had we looked at the scores, we would have seen that with our competition's match finished, we were tied with them at the top of the event, this was our last board.
Dummy was a pleasant sight, LHO had ventured a double with AJxx, x, 10x, A9xxxx so 2♦ wasn't what he wanted to hear.
I led a club, declarer put up the ace and led a heart to the KA.
Now I played ♠K, he took the ace and played one back to the 10 and my Q.
I played a trump, partner won the K and tabled ♣K ruffed and overruffed, trump back to partner's ace and the roof had fallen in, partner was able to ruff the 3rd heart later and this was +1400 and our match had gone from 6 boards at 10-10 with an overtrick each way to 16-4.
Partner had xxx, xx, AKx, KQJ10x
I rank
1. Pass = PEN
2. 5♣ = NAT
3. 4N might be OK if it were natural.