The North London club had its multiple teams this week, and SB was host and ended up playing with a visitor from the Walthamstow Club, Walter the Wart-Hog. The auction seemed uneventful enough, and ChCh led the ace of spades and WW-H tabled the dummy and rushed off to get some berries from the kitchen.
"I have told you before, and I will tell you again, that you should complete the auction with a final pass, ChCh", chastised SB. He had noticed that the contract required spades to be 4-4 and was disappointed that dummy did not have four so was more prickly than usual.
"You are right, as always." replied ChCh. "Perhaps we should call the director?" There was something curious about ChCh's manner. "No, that is not necessary," replied SB. "I have been criticised by the committee for trivial TD calls." "Well we better had", insisted ChCh. "Director, please." OO came to the table. "How can I help?"
"Bad habit of mine", started ChCh. "I led before the auction had technically finished. The final pass was not made."
"I don't think it is going to matter much", responded OO. "If you pass, then we are in the same position and you will have to lead the ace of spades." "I suppose you could double, but I will probably rule that you could have been aware that the premature lead could damage the non-offenders." "OK, I will bid 7♠", replied ChCh.
"Good gracious!" responded OO. "Well, now, South is silenced for one round, as North has already put down the dummy in 3NT, but North can make any call he wants". WW-H had returned from the kitchen with his bowl of berries and doubled and the auction ended when West redoubled. By now SB had worked out that he had been duped but there was nothing he could do, as 7NTx-5 was unlikely to be a good score, so 7♠XX became the final contract.
"So, can you clarify, please, that all of North's cards were prematurely exposed during the auction and I direct how he plays them?" asked ChCh with a wicked grin. "That is right," replied OO.
"OK, can you lead a trump please, WW-H", and I will, if the opponents are happy, play both North's and East's cards to save time." After five rounds of trumps, North had to part with his diamonds on the last three of those. ChCh now cashed six rounds of diamonds, on which North was forced to throw his four hearts and the ace and king of clubs. On the last of these, SB was down to ♥A ♣JT and was, as they say, inexorably squeezed.
"+2940" chuckled ChCh. "I seemed to benefit from leading before passing out the hand, but could not have known that this would cause North to expose all thirteen of his cards, even if he looks the clumsiest person to have set foot in this club."
For once SB was lost for words. Do you allow the score to stand?