Lucky layout
Posted 2019-February-09, 15:15
Posted 2019-February-09, 15:58
Cyberyeti, on 2019-February-09, 15:15, said:
Cyberyeti's line seems sensible to me. -- In fact, that's what I did.
Unfortunately, as the cards actually lie, our line fails against best defence.
Posted 2019-February-09, 16:25
nige1, on 2019-February-09, 15:58, said:
Cyberyeti's line seems sensible to me. -- In fact, that's what I did.
Unfortunately, as the cards actually cards lie, our line fails against best defence.
it does ? how ? or are you saying the cards actually lie differently and another line works ?
I can see that if W has Jxx(x), A(Q), QJ10xx, 10xx(x) that line will also work.
Posted 2019-February-09, 18:31
Cyberyeti, on 2019-February-09, 16:25, said:
CyberYeti guessed the actual layout almost exactly and his line has excellent practical chances.
Unfortunately, if I unblock ♣ and lead a ♥, West defeats me by exiting with ♦J to end-play me in ♦s. I get 4 ♦ tricks but end up a trick short

All a bit double-dummy, but a pretty defence.
Posted 2019-February-09, 18:45
nige1, on 2019-February-09, 18:31, said:
CyberYeti guessed the actual layout almost exactly and his line has excellent practical chances.
Unfortunately, if you unblock ♣ and lead a ♥, West can defeat you by exiting with ♦J to end-play you in ♦s. You get 4 ♦ tricks but end up a trick short

All a bit double-dummy, but a pretty defencce.
Well if you weren't up to disposing of the ♦8 at trick 1 and winning trick 2 with the 9 so W can't unblock

And E has to discard correctly so he retains his 4th heart to give you the ♥J but no 9th trick.
Posted 2019-February-10, 12:55
For completeness, given Cyberyeti;s 3rd suggested layout, after the first 2 tricks, GIB demonstrates that defenders can defeat 3N, at double-dummy, on a similar defence, end-playing declarer in ♦s.
Against this distribution, GIB shows that, declarer succeeds, at double-dummy, only on a ♣ lead.
IMO, like Géza Ottlik and Hugh Kelsey, GIB can reveal fascinating opportunities in seemingly hum-drum deals.
Some have practical application, once you are aware of such possibilities.
Thomas Andrews has discovered wonderful deals, using GIB
Posted 2019-February-10, 15:51
nige1, on 2019-February-09, 15:58, said:
Cyberyeti's line seems sensible to me. -- In fact, that's what I did.
Unfortunately, as the cards actually lie, our line fails against best defence.
I sympathise with both defence and offence, but unless I am mistaken 3NT is impossible as the cards lie: even 2NT will fail against a ♠ lead, or if S ducks the ♦ lead like nige1 did and W then switches to ♠.
Posted 2019-February-10, 16:27
pescetom, on 2019-February-10, 15:51, said:
How does NT play if you play low on the spade lead in dummy, win the A, cash one diamond and two clubs then lead a heart ? (on the layout you posted this against, not the original)
Posted 2019-February-11, 13:29
Cyberyeti asks "How does NT play if you play low on the spade lead in dummy, win the A, cash one diamond and two clubs then lead a heart ?
If declarer tries that line against this layout, East can play ♠K and another, Gib tells us that declarer still ends up a trick short.
Posted 2019-February-11, 14:11
CyberYeti surmised that this was the actual layout.
Pescetom assessed prospects as hopeless against perfect defence.
But, after the actual defence (see OP) of
♦Q lead, ducked; and a small ♦, won by declarer's ♦8,
GIB tells us that declarer can succeed by cashing ♣AK and ♦A
Please press Next to play those cards and arrive at this position..
Now, LHO can save the overtrick by
-- carefully unblocking a ♦ honour on ♦A and then
-- playing low on declarer's ♦K continuation
Finally, declarer leads ♥2 to endplay whichever opponent wins the trick
Double-dummy but pretty stuff

Local League Match (Aggregate).
Press Next to see the first two tricks.
After trick 2, you can make 3N
even if defenders make no more mistakes
Of course, I went down
Can you guess the winning line?