Posted 2019-January-31, 12:21
Obviously we start with a 2D response.
what happens next depends on methods and style. For example, in my serious partnership, we tend to fake a 2C response when we hold only 4 diamonds, such that 2D implies 5+.
Even that isn't determinative. Opener likes his hand.....all those controls, including the stiff, but say partner has x QJx KQJxx KQxx. Do we really want to be in 5D rather than 3N, even at imps?
So whether to splinter, and drive beyond 3N, is a delicate question. If, as is 'standard', 2D doesn't promise 5, then the splinter is out of the question.
Thus more likely than not opener contents himself with 3D.
Over to west: yet another question of style. 3N is still in the picture: KQxxx AKx xxxx x. 6D might make but one would be very nervous. However, we can hardly bid 3N with our robust heart holding. So can we punt with 3H or would that suggest heart cards and ask partner to consider 3N with club cards?
Again, a question of methods. This is a situation in which it is easy to fall into the trap of concluding that 3H shows this hand because we want it to show this hand. When in this situation, imagine you are your partner. Ignore your hand: disabuse your mind of your problem. You open 1S and raise 2D to 3D and partner bids 3H. Don't look at your actual hand. What does it mean? How would partner bid with Qx KQx AKxxxx xx? Anyone for 3H?
Fortunately, our hand is such that we must surely have safety in 5D and we also have slam potential, so I think we can bid 4C without too much angst.
That fetches 4H, and I suspect we are propelled to slam. Not the best contract in the world, but far from hopeless. Almost cold on a non-heart lead and with decent play with one.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari