Cyberyeti, on 2019-January-20, 15:04, said:
As it happens both club and diamond leads are completely passive (dummy has a stiff club honour and declarer's diamonds are all winners, but he only has 8), Q♠ and you'll cash 5 then declarer cashes 8.
The fact that, on the actual hand, both a club and a diamond are 'safe' does not make either lead 'passive'. A lead is not to be assessed based on how the cards actually lie but on the auction as known to leader, and his holdings. I think a club lead is beyond idiotic: the fact that dummy has a stiff honour is hardly to be 'expected' as 'most likely'. The fact that a diamond doesn't pickle the suit is, again, fortuitous. Imagine dummy with J9x and partner with Qxx or Kxx. Now declarer may misguess, but that doesn't make the suit 'passive'. A minor lead is passive only double-dummy.
I have no idea whether leader was influenced by questions: I would have expected a series of questions to make spades the indicated lead, not hearts....the one suit where we know with certainty, absent any comments by anyone, that partner has some length.
As I stated in my initial post, to me the heart K is a standout at any form of scoring. I assume that what then happened was that declarer, with 97xxx in spades in dummy, having a stiff 10 in his hand, and clearly having some heart length (win the Ace and play one back!), was pissed off because the opponents weren't so completely comatose as to ignore what was in front of their eyes.
I assume that East won his 4 heart tricks and cashed 3 spades.
While I can appreciate that South was annoyed at all the chatter, asking for a ruling requires a remarkable amount of chutzpah.
Put another way, back when they had appeal committees in ACBLand, had I been on a committee and had the OP appealed the ruling, there would have been a forfeiture of the deposit (when such was required).
Yes, the opening leader was constrained by the UI, and a lead of the spade Q would have led to an adjustment and at least a strong talking to. But the lead of the heart K was demonstrably suggested by the hand/auction. You can't have it both ways: the chatter demonstrably suggested that a spade lead would be good...the leader chose something else. Then declarer assumed that his opponents were idiots (while criticizing them for the chatter because they are good enough to know better...good enough to not chatter but too stupid to realize that declarer has at most a stiff spade.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
What do you lead, what other leads do you consider and how seriously ?"
I rank
1. ♥K. Dummy might be 5332 and declarer 2245.
2. ♠Q. Dummy might be 5431 and declarer 1345,
3. ♦5. Declarer might be a personal friend
4. ♣3. You might owe declarer money