nige1, on 2019-January-04, 08:44, said:
An unimaginative line, to get the ball rolling...
Win ♠A. cash ♦A, ruff a ♦, lead a ♥.
If North wins ♥A and gives South a ♠ ruff, on a good day, South might be endplayed.
For example, if South exits with a ♣, you can try ♣T.
Nige1's unimaginative line showed more imagination than me at the table. The full hand was:
At the table I couldn't think of a way of avoiding the ruff, so played for South to hold a singleton trump. My worry was that if North holds
♥AXX I couldn't afford to use the diamond entry prematurely: say I played
♦A and ruff a diamond then lead a trump ... do I finesse the J immediately (and maybe lose to a singleton J) or play the Q but lose out to AJX since there is unlikely to be a second entry to dummy. The result was that I played the trump Q, losing to the ace, suffered
♠Q and a spade ruff, with South having a safe exit.
So I think it comes down to either:
(1) Playing for trumps 2-2
and south being end-played; or
(2) Same line but if North ducks the
♥A, switch assumption to and play North for AJX and finesse immediately; or
(3) Playing for trumps 3-1 from the start and delay playing diamonds.
But thoughts welcome ...
TramTicket writes "MP Pairs - club night against reasonable opps. Lead King of Spades"
An unimaginative line, to get the ball rolling...